Hillsdale Communicator

September 2019


News For Amateur Radio Operators In And Around Hillsdale County


Club Meetings

Only two members attended the club meeting held on August 15.  Lacking a quorum we were unable to approve several sets of meeting minutes and treasury reports or conduct any other official business.


There will not be a regular club meeting in September.  Next meeting date to be determined by the board.



Ham Breakfast

This month the Ham Breakfast will be held on Saturday, September 14, at 8am at the Coffee Shop, 119 W Main in North Adams (map).  Come and join us for a meal or just coffee.  Everyone welcome.


The August breakfast was held at Spangler's Family Restaurant in Jonesville and was attended by four amateurs.



Board Meeting

No Board meeting in September.  The next Board meeting will be in October.



Membership Report

Club membership stood at 17 as of August 31.  One new member during the month.



Monday Night Net Control Stations Needed

We have some Monday night net control slots open.  Serving as net control station builds your skills and earns you extra points towards the net exceptional participation certificate.  If you would like to serve as a net control station once a month please let a member of club leadership know.  Check the schedule for available dates.



New Hams

Congratulations to new ham Teresa Bensch KE8MUA of Hillsdale.  She was granted her Technician license on August 14.




Congratulations to Timothy Bowman KE8MMT of Jonesville for passing his element 3 test and being granted General privileges on August 14.



ARRL & TAPR Digital Communications Conference

The ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference is being held September 20-22 at the Marriott Detroit Metro Airport Hotel.  It’s an international forum for radio amateurs to meet, publish their work, and present new ideas and techniques.  Presenters and attendees will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn about recent hardware and software advances, theories, experimental results, and practical applications.  The conference schedule includes technical and introductory forums, demonstrations, a Saturday evening banquet and an in-depth Sunday seminar.  This conference is for everyone with an interest in digital communications…beginner to expert!  (Conference website)



One-Day Tech Class September 28

Dan Romanchik KB6NU will be presenting a one-day tech training class on Saturday, September 28, in Ann Arbor.  The class runs from 9:00am until 3:30pm, at which time the license exam will be given.  Pre-registration is required and pre-study is highly recommended.  Click here for more information.



Testing Session Scheduled In Branch County

The Branch County Amateur Radio Club will hold an Amateur Radio License Test Session on September 28 at 10:00 AM at the Burnside Senior Center located at 65 Grahl Drive in Coldwater (map).  Click here for more information.  (ARRL info page)



French Remove 2m Band From Aeronautical Applications Proposal

The 144-146 MHz Amateur Radio segment has been removed from a French proposal to study spectrum additional for Aeronautical Mobile Service (AMS) applications.  France had included the band, which comprises the entire 2 meter band in ITU Region 1, for consideration as a European Conference of Telecommunications and Postal Administrations (CEPT) position for World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19).  Heading into a just-ended CEPT Conference Preparatory Group (CPG) meeting in Turkey, France was holding firm on the proposal to have AMS share 144-146 MHz with Amateur Radio.  (ARRL story)


The following articles were published before the French proposal was modified.

> ARRL Board Pledges to Oppose French Proposal for 2 Meters

> 2 Meter Sharing Proposal is on CEPT Conference Preparatory Group Agenda

> 144 and 1240 MHz threats: IARU submits papers

> Airborne radio may hinder 144 MHz ham radio

> France Stands its Ground on 144-146 MHz Aeronautical Mobile Sharing Proposal

> Germany hits back against French 144 MHz Aeronautical plans



Threat To Amateur Radio 23cm Band

A joint paper to be submitted to the CEPT CPG meeting in Ankara by France, Lithuania, Malta, Slovenia and The Netherlands attacks the continued use by Radio Amateurs of the 1240-1300 MHz band.  This is the final CEPT CPG meeting in preparation for the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) to be held in Egypt October 28 to November 22.  This conference will define the Agenda Items for WRC-23.  (Southgate Amateur Radio News story)



Proposal Removes 47-47.2 GHz From Bands Under Study For 5G Services

The 34th meeting of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) Permanent Consultative Committee II concluded a week of meetings in Ottawa, Canada, in advance of World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19).  The meetings were aimed at reaching regional consensus on WRC-19 agenda items.  Attendees at PCC.II included ARRL Technical Relations Specialist Jon Siverling WB3ERA who is on the US delegation to WRC-19.  “The big news is that the Inter-American Proposal going forward to ITU from CITEL countries has removed the 47-47.2 GHz Amateur Radio allocation from WRC-19 agenda item 1.13,” Siverling said.  (ARRL story)



Efforts Continue To Enhance ARES Program, Add Resources

The ARRL Board of Directors, committees, and Headquarters administrative staff are continuing efforts to enhance the venerable Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) program.  A major ARES Plan has been adopted, providing new direction going forward.  In addition, a standardized training plan has been adopted and a new ARES Emergency Communicator Individual Task Book approved and published.  (ARRL story)



ARRL Contest And DXCC Rules Now Prohibit Automated Contacts

Following the direction of the ARRL Board of Directors, ARRL has incorporated changes to the rules for all ARRL-sponsored contests and DXCC, prohibiting automated contacts.  These changes also apply to the Worked All States (including Triple Play and 5-Band WAS), VHF/UHF Century Club, and Fred Fish, W5FF, Memorial awards.  The changes are effective immediately.  (ARRL story)



ARRL HF Band Planning Committee Reactivated To Address Spectrum Issues

In an effort to more effectively address HF digital technology issues, ARRL President Rick Roderick K5UR has reactivated the ARRL Board of Directors' HF Band Planning Committee.  The six-member panel, chaired by First Vice President Greg Widin K0GW will primarily focus on spectrum allocation issues that have gained increased visibility with discussions on accommodating automatically controlled digital stations (ACDS).  The committee will also discuss operating frequencies for FT4, FT8, and other digital modes.  Reactivation of the HF Band Planning Committee came out of discussions during the July 2019 ARRL Board meeting.  (ARRL story)



FCC Amateur Radio License Database Activity In Hillsdale County

08/14/19 KE8MMT, Bowman, Timothy C, upgraded to General from Technician

08/14/19 KE8MUA, Bensch, Teresa L, new licensee Technician



FCC Enforcement News

FCC Fines North Carolina Man for Unauthorized Transmissions: The FCC this week issued a $39,278 Forfeiture Order against a North Carolina man for intentional misuse of a local public safety radio communications network, in violation of §301 of the Communications Act of 1934.  The man “impersonated first responders in unauthorized radio communications on licensed public safety frequency,” the FCC said.  (ARRL story)


FCC Resolves LED Products Marketing Violations Investigation with Consent Decree: The FCC announced that it had entered into a Consent Decree to resolve an investigation into whether the lighting fixture business Seasons 4 Inc., of Toano, Virginia, violated FCC rules by marketing LED products as the company S4 Lights without the required equipment authorization, labeling, and user manual disclosures, and by failing to produce certain required test records.  “These rules ensure that radio frequency devices marketed in the United States do not interfere with authorized communications, thereby maintaining network integrity and security and protecting consumers,” the FCC said.  (ARRL story)




Meeting Programs: We are always looking for interesting ideas for meeting programs.  It doesn’t always have to be about ham radio.  It could be something community related or maybe you know somebody that would be an interesting speaker.  Club Vice President Dan Sprow KC8RYF leads the effort to arrange meeting programs for the club.  Contact Dan or any member of club leadership if you have ideas for programs or are willing to present something yourself.


Michigan State Parks On The Air: Starting April 1, 2017, Michigan hams embarked on the most ambitious on-the-air project ever, the Michigan State Parks on the Air (MSPOTA).  Previous State Park activations on the air around the country have focused on a single weekend.  The Michigan State Parks system as a whole will be 100 years old in 2019.  Some of our parks actually began operation in 1917.  Hence, the celebration began in 2017 and continues through 2019.  That is three years of State Parks on the Air!  Lots of time for activators and chasers alike!  This event includes 117 MDNR Parks & Recreation sites including State Parks, Recreation Areas, Scenic Sites and State Trails rotated over the 3 years.  That adds up to about 50 parks across the state active in each event year.  (More info at MSPOTA website)


Microsoft Announces End Of Support For Windows 7: Microsoft made a commitment to provide 10 years of product support for Windows 7 when it was released on October 22, 2009.  When this 10-year period ends, Microsoft will discontinue Windows 7 support to focus investment on supporting newer technologies.  The specific end of support day for Windows 7 will be January 14, 2020.  (Announcement and FAQ)


Distracted Driving Bills Introduced In State Legislature: There are several bills (HB 4181, HB 4198 and HB 4199) that have been formulated in the Michigan House of Representatives that deal with Distracted Driving.  The Michigan ARRL legislative team has been watching as these bills were introduced in the House.  Amateur Radio was granted an exemption (the use of amateur radio while driving) from being considered a distraction.  The exemption amendment referenced 47 CFR Part 97, 47 CFR Part 90 and a reference to CB radio.  (ARRL Michigan Section post)



Upcoming Events

September 7 – CMARC Hamfest (Okemos) (NEW LOCATION)

September 7 – GRAMfest (Wyoming)

September 8 – Findlay Hamfest

September 14 – Ham Breakfast

September 15 – Adrian Hamfest

September 20-22 – ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference 

September 28 – BCARC Licensing Testing Session

September 28 – KB6NU One-Day Tech Class

October 2 – Board Meeting

October 12 – NWOARC Fall Hamfest (Lima OH)

October 20 – Kalamazoo Hamfest


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Previous editions are available in the newsletter archive.


Send us your comments and suggestions to K8HRC@arrl.net

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